Install DBeaver
If you created a VM, make sure you are running these steps as the normal user in that VM; not on the host system.
These instructions are for Pop!_OS, they should be similar for Ubuntu.
There are a couple of ways to install it.
I went with Linux Shout's version: #1st Method Using an APT repository
Connect to IBM DB2 LUW
This part was a little tricky.
Open the app and click on "New Database Connection".
Select DB2 for LUW
Here's the problem:
All the tutorials, posts, and videos say:
Host=localhost and Port=50000 or Port=50001
But this doesn't work.
There are 2 issues with this:
- Wrong Host
- Wrong Port
Cat the /etc/hosts file. In this VM, it looks like:
~ ❯❯❯ cat /etc/hosts localhost
::1 localhost pop-os.localdomain pop-os
~ ❯❯❯
And, in the DB2 install log, it says: Port 25000.
So, in this VM, the correct parameters are:
- Host: pop-os
- Port: 25000
Fill in the other parameters:
- Database (probably: sample)
- Username (probably: db2inst1)
- Password (whatever it is)
and press the "Test Connection" button.
If this is the first time you are making a connection, you will have to download the drivers.
After that, you should see a dialog box pop up stating: Connected.