Install GixSQL

READ the README on GitHub for lots of information. It's what I used to create these instructions.

Get GixSQL

Download the source code from GixSQL

As of March 26, 2023, the current version is v1.0.20a.

For that version, download: gixsql-1.0.20a.tar.gz.

If you haven't made any changes, it will be downloaded to the Downloads directory.

Extract the downloaded file

Open Files and go to the Downloads folder.

Double click on the gixsql-1.0.20a.tar.gz file.

This will open Archive Manager.

You will see "gixsql-1.0.20a". Click on the "Extract" button in the upper left hand corner.

A dialog box will open to select where to extract the file to. Extract the file to the ~/builds directory.

When it is done, close the dialog box, close Archive Manager, and close Files.

Install additional software

The instructions include this line:

sudo apt install libmariadb-dev libpq-dev unixodbc-dev flex

But, at this time, I don't care about Mariadb(MySQL) or odbc. See NOTE below if you do.

Open Terminal to install the following:

sudo apt install libpq-dev flex
sudo apt install libspdlog-dev libfmt-dev
sudo apt install bison

Configure, Make and Install


cd builds/gixsql-1.0.20a

This will take you into the gixsql-1.0.20a directory.


./configure --prefix=/opt/gixsql --disable-mysql --disable-odbc --enable-pgsql

A whole bunch of messages will print on the screen

If there are no errors, Run:


If there are no errors, Run:

sudo make install

Then Run:

sudo ldconfig

NOTE: Install the other DBs

If you do want to use MySQL(Maria) and/or odbc, replace the apt install:

sudo apt install libpq-dev flex


sudo apt install libmariadb-dev libpq-dev unixodbc-dev flex

And the ./configure:

./configure --prefix=/opt/gixsql --disable-mysql --disable-odbc --enable-pgsql


./configure --prefix=/opt/gixsql